Welcome to the
Big Bend Sportsman Club
Alpine, Texas
2024-2025 Membership year is September 1 to August 31. Annual membership fee for September 2024 through August 2025 is still $75.
Your 2023-2024 key will not work after 1 September, 2024.
The Range gate has a keyed lock. Each paid member will be provided a membership card and a single individually numbered key that will open the gate for the entire membership year. Membership includes immediate family members in the member’s household and guests. Guests MUST be accompanied by a member.
Memberships may be purchased (cash or check) in person from:
True Value
301 N 5th. Alpine
Mon-Sun at the gun counter
Dodson’s Guns 432-837-2551
3201 N. Hwy 118, Alpine
Current News!
Interested in shooting SHOTGUN? Trap on first and third Sundays, Skeet on second and fourth and fifth Sundays, 2 pm, Skeet on Wednesday, 4:30 pm. Cost is $5 per round (25 birds).
November 8th is the last Wednesday shotgun shoot for 2024.
The Club will discuss target frames at coming meetings. The Range’s wooden target frames are being destroyed quickly. The Club will continue to make a limited number every quarter
You need two 8 ft lengths of 1″ x 4″. Make the sides 66 inches high and space the legs 30 inches apart to fit the brackets at the range. You should be able to find free cardboard backing around town.
Please do not leave scrap cardboard in the target shed. The club purchases sturdy target backing for the frames.
For information on the local chapter of The Well-Armed Woman contact Sylvia Nelson at saddleup@bigbend.net 432-294-0595
2023-2024 Club Officers:
PRESIDENT: | Jim Westermann | |
TREASURER: | Liz Measures | |
SECRETARY: | Scott McClanahan |
RANGE OFFICER: | Robert Johnson | |
Report Vandalism
Big Bend Sportsman Club recently obtained a conviction for trespass and vandalism of range facilities. If you observe any vandalism of your range, please report the vehicle license number to the Brewster County Sheriff’s Office 432-837-5541. Security cameras are in use at the range.
TANERITE (a binary explosive) is not allowed on the range because of the damage it causes, the possibility of fire, and disturbing our neighbors.
No armor-piercing ammo on steel targets.
No tracer ammo. Don’t set Alpine on fire.
The Range.
The Big Bend Sportsman Club is located just west of Alpine on Hwy 90. The scenic vistas surrounding our range are impossible to beat. Four firearms ranges are present, and are, from east to west: a 50-yard instructional range with covered shooting positions; (#2), a 50 yard range with covered shooting positions; (#1) a 100-yard range with covered shooting positions, and a skeet and trap range (for shotguns only!). Archery targets are located between the north berm and the gate (again, archery only!).
Organized shooting activities include handgun (steel plates) on most Saturdays at 2:00 pm (free), and shotgun (trap or skeet or other activity) on most Sundays at 2:00 pm, Skeet on Wednesdays, 4:30 pm ($5 per round of 25). See the Events tab (above left) for other scheduled events.
The Club has business meetings the first Tuesday evening of most months, 6:00 pm at localities to be announced, and all members are encouraged to attend.
During certain events the range is closed to all other shooting for safety reasons. Scheduled closures are on the website and posted at the gate.
During certain times the range, or portions of the range, are closed for law enforcement training. Scheduled closures are on the website (Events Tab above) and posted at the gate and this site.
The current draft (1 November 2022) was approved by the membership at the December, 2022 meeting of the BBSC. The by-laws can be down loaded as a PDF below:
The Big Bend Sportsman Club was established November 6th, 1951, by Alonso Hord, Joe Lane, E.R. Elliott, Joe Gilbreth, Ross Maxwell, L.C. Pope, and Tom Yarbro. The purpose of the club was and is, “To promote firearm and hunter safety, to provide a safe place for recreational shooting, and promote marksmanship and good sportsmanship.”
Steel Plates: Rain or shine